Dr. Matthias Lorenz
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Dr. Matthias Lorenz is a German patent attorney, authorized representative of the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorney) and authorized representative of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Matthias Lorenz studied electrical engineering and received his Dipl.-Ing. from the University of Ulm. He completed his studies in 2011 with his dissertation entitled “Entwurf einer Optimierungsumgebung für das Design von Sigma-Delta-Modulatoren auf FPGAs” (Designing an Optimization Solution for the Design of Sigma-Delta-Modulators on FPGAs”). Following this, he occupied a position as research associate at the Institute for Microelectronics at the University of Ulm, where he wrote his thesis entitled “Estimation of Non-Idealities in Sigma-Delta ADCs for Test and Correction, using Unscented Kalman Filters.” In connection with his thesis, he became responsible for the presentation of several lectures and seminars, and presented his research findings in professional journals, as well as at international conferences of the IEEE. Matthias Lorenz completed his doctorate degree with distinction in 2015. In 2016, he was awarded the thesis prize by the Ulm University Society for his dissertation.
Since 2015, Dr. Matthias Lorenz has worked as a patent attorney with the law offices of Lorenz & Kollegen. He was admitted to the existing partnership as a new partner in early 2021.
Dr. Matthias Lorenz’ key technical competencies concern electrical engineering, in general, especially control and automation technology, as well as microelectronics.
In addition to conducting patent granting proceedings, Dr. Matthias Lorenz’ focal activities include representation in appeal proceedings, patent nullity proceedings and patent infringement proceedings.