Dr. Matthias Reisser
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
M.Sc. (TUM)

Matthias Reisser studied physics (B. Sc., 2011) at the University of Ulm und biophysics (M.Sc., 2013) at the Technical University of Munich. His master’s thesis was focused on the development of a combination of force and fluorescence spectroscopy for the examination of individual molecules. In connection with the research he performed for his doctorate at the University of Ulm (Dr. rer. nat., 2020), Matthias Reisser studied individual molecule spectroscopy in living and developing biological systems. As a certified agriculturist, he additionally possesses experience in the areas of agricultural engineering, plant production and animal husbandry.
Dr. Matthias Reisser has been a member of LORENZ & KOLLEGEN since 2019 and has been admitted as a patent attorney since 2023 and joined the existing partnership as an additional partner in 2024.